SEO Notes

SiempreCMS has been designed to provide flexibility and ensure that all mark-up can be “SEOed”. See Adding SEO Fields for how to add the standard SEO fields to a template.

SEO Fields

You can provide editors with standard SEO fields such as PageTitle (the title seen in the browser title), Meta Description, MetaTags and the option to add a NoIndex to pages.

NOTE: It is the developers’ responsibility to output these fields in the template – SiempreCMS does NOT do this for you to ensure clean mark-up output. It’s recommended to do this in the parent template.

<!DOCTYPE html>



    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">

{|@if( {|Page.PageTitle|} != "")





           <title>Ultimate in Manchester</title>



{|@if( {|Page.MetaDescription|} != "")


           <meta name="description" content="{|Page.MetaDescription|}">



           <meta name="description" content="Ultimate Clubs in Manchester - an overview of all Ultimate Frisbee Clubs in Greater Manchester - want to Play Ultimate in Manchester visit us!">



{|@if( {|Page.MetaTags|} != "") 


           <meta name="keywords" content="{|Page.MetaTags|}">


          <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">



This is baked into SiempreCMS - visit to see this. You can add sitemap field control into the pages by clicking the Add Sitemap Fields on the template. Only pages which have a primary path are output.  Where these values are not set in the CMS then they are not output but as these are optional in Sitemaps this is acceptable.

See  Adding SEO Fields for how to exclude certain pages from the sitemap.

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